Sometimes, it’s really hard…

This startup life.

This path I’ve chosen, this career I’m having… Most of the time, I love it. I love the uncertainty, I love the people, I love the long hours and all the hard work.

But every now and then, it sucks, plain and simple.

And I’m banging my head against the wall and I’m struggling, and part of me realizes that it’s time to let go. Time to say bye. Time to take a step back, lift my eyes and see what other opportunities are out there. It’s funny how we get so tied into that one thing we’re doing that we forget that there’s a whole crazy world out there filled with awesome things to do. I let my pride, my ego and my ambitions be in the way – I want to succeed with this one so bad that I forget that sometimes, you just need to let it go. Sometimes, what seemed like the right ting simply isn’t.

Startups are like relationships that way, they are very hard to let go of even when you know it’s for the best. It takes guts, faith and practice.

I am learning. I grow.